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 This scrapbook is dedicated to the dogs of kennel "Ankaranska" owned by Miss Slavica Skalar. This kennel started with English Cocker Spaniels and later added Irish Setters and Longhaired Dachshounds. All dogs in the kennel are FT qualified. Pictured here are their brood bitches - the Cocker Slo Ch Rosyanne Trocaderos and the Irish Multi Ch Vicary's Pumpkin.

  Slo Ch Rosyanne Trocaderos and Multi Ch Vicary's Pumpkin

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Ch Rosyanne Trocaderos is the dam of their current top Junior winners Truly Ankaranska and Tamas Ankaranski - sired by Ch Northworth Export Passion.

Slo Ch Rosyanne Trocaderos with Miss Skalar

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Ch Ally di Susanna is the kennels show star this year with several group placements to date. He is a sire of several promising youngsters.

Slo Ch Ally di Susanna

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Their first Irish Setter Multi Ch Rusty was bred by me. She is pictured here with her son Multi Ch Lui Ankaranski.

Multi Ch Lui Ankaranski and Multi Ch Rusty

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And this was Lui winning BOB on his way to R.BIS at the Ljubljana International show in 1995.

Int, Slo and Hr Ch Lui Ankaranski

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The kennels latest champion is this lovely bitch Ch Red Renny Ankaranska.

Slo and Hr Ch Red Renny Ankaranska

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And not to forget Renny's big brother Red River Ankaranski who died so young. He was owned by Mrs W.Duynekerke of kennel "v.d.Westerhuy".

Red River Ankaranski at 2 years 

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From Pam's second litter comes this promising puppy Talitha Ankaranska. Pictured here at 6 weeks old, she is now 17 months and has already a Group win to her credit. She is a sister of my Fifi. She is co-owned by Mrs Tatjana Klinar.

Talitha Ankaranska at 6 weeks

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And "last but not least" this Dachshound bitch is also a big winner. Slo Ch Prisha Tavari has numerous group wins in her short carrer.

Slo Ch Prisca Tavari

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