Ch Prisca Tavari was bred in Slowakia by Mrs Anna Cwiecekova. She has won a number of Groups in her career including the Champion of Champions contest in 1998. She has been succesfully handled in Junior handling by my sons Tim and Nik. Tim ended 1998 as Top Junior Handler in his age group.
Show Results and Breeding Plans
Ch Prisca Tavari - 4xCACIB, 11xCAC, numerous BOB's and Groups, Champion of Champions 1998.
Prisca is a Miniature Longhaired Dachshound and as such probably one of few in the world that is FT qualified.
Ch Prisca Tavari had a lovely litter this spring (1 dog and 3 bitches) by a top producing sire from one of Europe's leading kennels Ch Thomas della Cantarena. Pedigree . Hopefully we will see some of her children in the ring next year. We may have another litter from "Prisha" in 2001.
Last Revised: 22/11/1999